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The Grandhome Trust


Grandhome is a pioneering new community in the Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, which aims to deliver unprecedented standards in the region for quality and place-making.  The new settlement is the only proposal in the northeast adopted by the Scottish Government’s Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative. 

The development is led by The Grandhome Trust, a family-led entity that has held the land for more than 300 years and which is driven to deliver an exemplary community in terms of built environment, sense of place, civic amenities and quality of life. Grandhome is being built according to a masterplan which has been designed over the past decade by an internationally recognised team of architects in consultation with the local community. The masterplan is complemented by a design code that will ensure the community meets consistent and high standards throughout. 

The design of the new community is entirely neighbourhood-based, meaning that homes will be within walking distance of a range of amenities, including shops, schools and community facilities. All day-to-day needs will be met within a 5-7 minute walk and the connected street pattern means pedestrians and cyclists will be able to freely move without taking circuitous routes. At the heart of the community will be the vibrant town centre, which will have a wide range of offices, shops and cafés designed to serve the wider Bridge of Don area.

Over the long term, Grandhome will include:

  • Up to 7,000 houses, located within a network of walkable neighbourhoods
  • Retail centres in each neighbourhood, likely to include shops, small offices and community buildings
  • A business park
  • Up to three primary schools and one secondary school, and associated recreational facilities
  • A health centre
  • A network of parks and green spaces for recreational use, including natural woodlands, formal parks, neighbourhood squares and sports pitches
  • A vibrant high street with shops, cafes and restaurants, intended to support the wider Bridge of Don area.

Grandhome’s first phase will include around 600 homes along with parks, some retail and community space, together forming part of the settlement’s first neighbourhood.