Frequently Asked Questions
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If you have a question about Grandhome, please feel free to contact us:
What makes Grandhome different?
Grandhome is a pioneering new community in the Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, which aims to deliver unprecedented standards in the region for quality and place-making. The first neighbourhood will have approximately 600 homes for sale in Bridge of Don, situated close to parks and community spaces. If you’re looking for a new property in Aberdeen, current homebuilders include AJC Homes, CALA Homes and Dandara Homes.
Grandhome is investing in new infrastructure and landscaping with the long-term aim of building up to 7,000 new homes. With more than twice the green space required by planning standards, the vision is for homes to be within walking distance of a range of amenities including parks, shops, schools and community facilities, and with all day-to-day needs met within a 5-7-minute walk.
Led by The Grandhome Trust, a family entity that has held the land for more than 300 years, the masterplan was designed over the past decade by an internationally recognised team of architects in consultation with the local community. It is complemented by a design code that will ensure consistent and high standards throughout.
How much development is planned?
Grandhome is investing in new infrastructure and landscaping with the long-term aim of building up to 7,000 new homes in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. The vision is for the new homes for sale in Bridge of Don to be within walking distance of a range of amenities including parks, green spaces, shops, schools and community facilities, and with all day-to-day needs met within a 5-7-minute walk, a with limited noise a priority.
We’ve carefully selected a range of housebuilders to help us in developing new homes in Grandhome, Bridge of Don; these currently include AJC Homes, CALA Homes, Malcolm Allan Homes and Dandara homes. Each has been selected based on their high-quality designs and variety of available property types in Aberdeen, offering something different for everyone.
There will be four retail units within phase one; three are located around Davidston Square, with the fourth around Edwards Square.
How quickly will Grandhome be built?
The first phase of Grandhome includes 650 units with 100 affordable units in Bridge of Don. On average 100 homes will be developed each year with the aim of completing phase one by 2024.
Future development will advance in line with demand, with balanced provision of infrastructure, schools and other community facilities.
When can I buy a house?
New build homes in Bridge of Don are available to buy now; Grandhome is already a thriving and growing community near Aberdeen. Click on the housebuilders’ icons on the homepage to find out more about our new built homes near Aberdeen still available for you. Find our homes for sale.
What is the mix of housing types and sizes?
Grandhome is designed to be a diverse community, featuring homes of different sizes, types and designs to suit families of many sizes and budgets in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. Accordingly, the development will include flats, terraced, semi-detached and detached houses; these can accommodate a variety of household sizes.
A mix of new homes, varying from 1-bedroom flats to 5-bedroom houses, will be included within each neighbourhood. These neighbourhoods will be similar to those found in traditional towns, with higher density development in each neighbourhood centre and larger homes on quieter roads on the edges of the settlement. Providing this mix of housing will not only offer a range of choices to initial buyers, but also enable families to move within Grandhome if they choose to up or downsize.
Who are the house builders?
Grandhome is currently working with AJC Homes, CALA Homes and Dandara Homes, to create a diverse community in Bridge of Don (Aberdeen), featuring homes of different sizes, types and designs to suit families of many sizes and budgets. Accordingly, the development will include flats, terraced, semi-detached and detached houses; these can accommodate a variety of household sizes.
Will there be affordable housing at Grandhome?
Yes, there will be affordable housing at Grandhome. The Aberdeen City Local Development Plan indicates that Grandhome should accommodate 25% affordable housing overall – this includes 15% in phase one and 35% in phase two.
The new build affordable homes at Grandhome will be clustered within the community to ensure that it is fully accessible and will be built according to the same planning and design parameters, ensuring that new homes for sale match the overall context of the development and contribute positively to each neighbourhood.
The detailed new build affordable housing delivery strategy will be agreed with both Aberdeen City Council and the housing associations that will eventually deliver and manage the housing.
How can residents and visitors access Grandhome?
Grandhome is situated in Bridge of Don (Aberdeen) and it is currently accessed from Whitestripes Avenue at two locations with a third access from Whitestripes Road in the near future. An additional access point will be developed for phase two forming a new junction on The Parkway.
What public transport links will there be between Grandhome and the surrounding areas?
The surrounding area is already relatively well served by bus services and it is expected that these routes will be extended into the site for the initial phases, with new services added as the site grows.
What will the design, materials and landscape look like?
The architects on the Grandhome design team are seeking to use materials that reflect local architectural character in north Donside. Street tree planting and green spaces, using indigenous species, will be incorporated to complement the built form.
The town is being designed following the principles of new urbanism, making place making and public space a high priority. Grandhome will have walkable blocks and streets, housing and shopping being placed in close proximity, and accessible public spaces. The area is designed to accommodate multimodal transportation including walking, bicycling, and driving, and more than double the green space required by planning standards.
Will there be a Grandhome town centre?
Grandhome will have a town centre which will include a traditional high street, which aims to be a destination for the whole Bridge of Don area, in Aberdeen. Plans for the high street are still being developed, but the area is likely to include amenities such as a supermarket, a hotel and leisure facility, cafés and shops. The high street is also designed to include community buildings, at least one square and open spaces.
The ground floor of most buildings in the town centre will include retail or office space, with the upper levels featuring offices or flats. Car parking will be available on the street, and will also be located within the blocks, shielded from view.
What will the density of Grandhome be?
Overall, the urban centres of each neighbourhood will be the densest, with density expanding out towards the rural edges of each neighbourhood in Grandhome, situated in Bridge of Don (Aberdeen). There are several proposed neighbourhood centres as part of our long-term plans for Grandhome, with denser cores blend into one and other at the edge of each neighbourhood, as they gradually transition to lower density. The average density in the masterplan complies with the ACC requirements.
What will the impact of construction work be to the surrounding area?
The impact of construction traffic in the local area will be minimal and there is currently an agreement with Aberdeen City Council for working hours within the development to reduce the impact in the area.
What are the wildlife and ecology provisions?
Existing features of ecological value are going to be protected and enhanced wherever possible. New natural landscape features will also be incorporated, such as mixed species woodlands, meadows and watercourses. The eventual landscape management regime will include measures to maximise the habitat potential of natural areas and public green spaces.
What community facilities are likely to be in Grandhome?
Community facilities are currently being developed to support the first set of new homes. This includes a community pavilion space as well as a play park for families to enjoy.
What sports facilities are planned?
Sports facilities are being planned for later phases in the development of Grandhome, with more information about the development to be shared in due course.
What healthcare facilities will be available to residents?
Healthcare facilities are in our masterplan for the development of Grandhome, with more information about the development to be shared in due course.
Will there be shops in this area?
The town centre at the heart of the community will have a wide range of offices, shops and cafés designed to serve the wider Bridge of Don area, Aberdeen. he design of the new community is entirely neighbourhood-based, meaning that new homes will be within walking distance of a range of amenities, including shops, schools and community facilities.
Will there be parks, play areas and green space for recreational use?
In Grandhome, there will be a network of connected, accessible public green spaces including formal spaces such as parks, play spaces and playing fields, as well as natural ‘wild’ areas.
The masterplan provides a very generous amount of green space that is more than double the amount required for new development by Aberdeen City Council.
Will there be safe footpath and cycle connections to the surrounding area?
There will be a network of connected, accessible public green spaces including formal spaces such as parks, play spaces and playing fields, as well as natural ‘wild’ areas, serving all Grandhome (Bridge of Don).
The masterplan provides a very generous amount of green space that is more than double the amount required for new development by Aberdeen City Council.
When will the first new school be available?
Schools are an important element in Grandhome’s neighbourhood structure and will offer high quality facilities to support learning for all ages. Grandhome’s masterplan includes two primary schools and a secondary school. A primary school will be first to be built by Aberdeen City Council and is destined to be delivered within phase two of the development.
In the meantime, children of families living in Grandhome will be accommodated at nearby Forehill Primary and Oldmachar Academy secondary school. If children of families in the Grandhome area would prefer to attend any school other than the current zoned schools, it would be possible to make a placing request for them to attend a different school. Details of the placing requests process is available on the Aberdeen City Council website.
For children of nursery school age, Banana Moon, located at the edge of the community, offers day care Monday to Friday including education, activities and meals. The nursery can accommodate up to 48 children and is part of an award-winning franchise of day nurseries across the UK, including two others in Aberdeen. To find out more about Banana Moon, visit
How do we get a house/shop/business unit here?
If you wish to register your interest for a residential or business location in the first phase of Grandhome, please provide your contact details to Beyond homes, there will also be space for shops, where four retail units will be built in phase one.
When will retail units be available for purchase or let?
The three initial retail units will be available from 2021. These will be available to buy or to let.
What kind of jobs will there be at Grandhome?
Grandhome will include a wide mix of employment and commercial development.
Some of this commercial development is proposed in the early phases, other parts will follow as the community is established.
The development will also create many opportunities for those in the Aberdeen construction industry.